Emergency Contacts & Authorized Pickup Persons (Not listed above)
Tuition/ Payment Information
Registration fee: $50 must be paid when registered to secure spot. Payments can be made online on the preschool page or mailed/ dropped off to the church office 301 E Wabash St. Converse
Preschool 8-11:30 (New Hours!)
3 days: $150 per month Aug-May (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
4 days: $195 per month Aug- May (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs)
Afternoon Care 11:30-2:45*
3 days: add $135 per month Aug-May
4 days: add $170 per month Aug-May
Scholarships are avaliable.
*Afternoon Care will be offered IF enrollment intrest allows